I know I think about money differently now. Ms. H. said to me this evening, “six months ago spending 295.00 on something would not have been a topic you would have discussed with me. It would have just shown up at the house.”
(Point of interest: Ms. H. and I have one joint account for joint expenses and separate accounts for our own individual purposes.)
The object in question is a Goruck GR1 pack. I have several over-the-shoulder bags and have been borrowing Ms. H.’s backpack for sometime. At this point in my life, the over-the-shoulder models tweak my back injury in a bad way. The back pack doesn’t fit my frame well and has too many annoying pockets and zippers for me.
I used to buy things in the past on a whim. I saw something I wanted. I bought it. Now I catalogue every object that I is no longer purposeful for me as well as the ones I love. Somehow from six months ago to today I ponder this purchase in a way that is remarkable.
The simplicity of the bag appeals to me. But have I fallen prey to their marketing strategies? Should I simply make do with what I have or seek to have something that actually fits me? When and why am I okay with buying something that I simply want?
Patrick Rhone’s words bring clarity for me:
Anywhere I can make a buying choice that I, with proper care and maintenance, will never have to make again for the rest of my life, I do. In those cases, I’m willing to pay far more for an item if I know it will last a lifetime and, even more importantly to me, I will never have to spend the mental energy making a choice again. Especially because making final choices often requires far more time and research then making regular ones. In fact, I would argue that the more final the choice, the longer it should take to make it. Also, what you spend on the front end usually repays exponentially, and in many more ways, on the back end.